
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

iconistalkedtoday: russian doll

Guess what I found?!
Russian Doll!!
Found her via Chictopia Style Icon.
Her style is lurveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Plus she looks so adorable!!
source: Russian Doll
* lurve the shoe and jacket *
* can I have your boots please..? *
* yummy jacket!! me want!!! *
* simple yet so chic *
* torn stocking rocks! *
* chunky chunky accessories! me likey!! *
* studs anyone? *
Ooh, I wish this place of mine snows.. sigh!

Runway Oopsiedaisies!

What title should I put for this post..?
"The Amazing Runway Poses"

"Oooh, thank you for coming! Please let me hug you.."

"Look!! Look!! I'm flying without wings!!"

"Put your right leg out, put your right leg in and shake it all about.."

"Let me show you my new pose, SPIDER! and ooh, my tattoo too! :)"

"Ready..Get set..GO!! oops, I fell backwards!" *blushes*

Another racer who decides to turn the other way and then made a final decision to cancel her race.

The "kow tow" pose. Not bad aye?

"Kow Tow" Number 2. Which one looks better?

Last but not least..
"Yo, whuddup" girl decided to flash flash a lil.
And viewers said...

Entertaining dong!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

of fashion and whatnot :)

Tell me how not to droooooooolll...?!
They are simply irrisistable!!

Source: Google

Source: Castelle Clothing
*our very own Malaysian blogshop owner*
Source: Chictopia

Source: Chictopia

Source: Google *Forver 21*

Source: Google

Source: Chictopia *DKNY Blazer*

Monday, February 22, 2010


Yessshh! Yesshhh!
I know it's another new blog.
I suffer from short term memory loss now cause once again, I forgot me password.
Oooh, while my blog is still under construction, do check this site out.
Especially for girls who wants to bitchslap their blood puking encounters in the online shopping world.
I am pretty sure most of you knows which bitch slapping website I am talking about.